Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Niggemann
Constructional plans
Flat bogie wagon in special construction
Flat bogie wagon in special construction SSms’ the complete set of constructional drawings contains:
-Drehgestell Flachwagen GW2 01-01 A0
-Drehgestell Flachwagen GW2 02-01 A00
under frame
-Drehgestell Flachwagen GW2 03-01 A1
-Drehgestell Flachwagen GW2 04-01 A0
-Drehgestell Flachwagen GW2 05-01 A3
brake operating valve
There is a complete parts list with each constructional drawing.
To avoid collecting materials one by one, I drew up a list of all the material needed.
You can then order it all at once and start working straightaway. In addition you will receive a photo CD-Rom, on which you will find the different stages of the wagon with a lot of single parts and photos of details. On the CD-Rom you will also find pictures of the original wagon and lots more information.
On our homepage please you will find a small part of the plan set of plans . But with the whole set it is easy for you to make the wa g gon. Also I described a vacuum br e ak e , but i t is up to you f if you want that br e aking system , is your decision . You can easily connect the br e ak e cylinder to the main air system.
As the plans have to be copied in a shop and as the big A0 and A1 copies are qui e te expensive, I need to charge € 29. 00 inclu ding sively post age and pack ag ing .
If you are interested in a n set of constructional plan s set , please contact me by e-mail.